Thursday, October 2, 2014

~Letter Project Reflection~

1. I was introduced to the letter project by a slideshow of several different designs of the alphabet, or typography. One of the designs which were done with pencil, was one of the main inspirations that made "my lightbulb turn on". After being shown the slideshow, my class was instructed to sketch 20 thumbnail sketches of a particular letter we chose in different styles. In the next class we showed our tablemates the twenty designs and put a star next to two or three designs we favored. This part was not as helpful as the first two steps in the process because the three I chose myself were also chosen so I still had a hard time deciding which one I was going to do. But after this "review" we did two half page rough drafts of our two favorite ones and had our peers critique them. For the most part the process was really helpful because it helped me finish everything on time.

2. My concept came after thinking about words that started with the letter "L". At first it was land but I made it more broad that included more by changing the world to life. I represented this concept of life first by having a waterfall and it's river create the letter "L" and have a very detailed backgroud that surrounded this source of water but durin that process I thought about where our life actually exists and I came to my conclusion that I would draw the earth and the solar system. This represented my concept because our planet is made up of both land and water, the two main sources of life but I forgot about the sun, the most important source. Without it, earth would be too cold to support life so I decided on drawing our solar system to visually represent my concept of life.

3. The most challenging aspect wasmy choice of color for everything I drew. I had to be able to blend different colors and choose the right colors to fill in each planet, star, and rock. After coloring all of that I had to figure out how to color my background and decide on which colors to blend together to make the color of space and put it on the page.

4. Yes, I am actually very satisfied with my project because I felt like I put alot of work into it and for the most part, I got what I wanted out of it. I felt like I blended the colors and chose the right colors to use and when I saw my final product, I was pretty proud of what I accomplished because it looked much better than the pencil drawing I had of it in my head.

5. I guess if I had one thing I could change about my project, I would most likely change the letter I used because the letter "L" seemed to simple of a letter. I'm not saying the design was easy, I'm saying that the letter "L" is a simple 90 degree angle made by two line segments. The letter "Q" or "R" would have a much more challenging aspect of thinking up a concept and then visually representing it.


  1. Holy crap the amount of detail in your design is amazing! <3 Your final really doesn't disappoint. I love how the background is lighter than the letter, planets, and space objects despite the fact that space is portrayed to be darker. The lighter background enhances your design and it doesn't draw attention away from the L. How long did it take you to finish it btw? o u o

    1. San q so very much <3
      YEA ABOUT THAT SPACE COLORING. I used like multiple reference images of space and they all had very... not exactly bright but not exactly dark colors. (i.e.
      It actually took a pretty long time. If I had not brought it home over the weekend I probably would not have been able to finish so like maybe 3-4 days mabye?

  2. Very detailed responses! Well done :)

  3. It's really cool! What material did you use for the background? I like how it looks kind of smudged, it makes it look more like what space actually looks like.

    1. I used chalk I believe... o3o
      BUT THANKS I was aiming for that

  4. I like how your design is so detailed! What made you choose the letter L instead of of maybe the letter O to make the shape of the Earth? Your background is nice, too- I like how it looks smudged and a bit muted.

    1. Because my last name starts with an L :o But thank you!

  5. Instead of using color pencils to color in your universe would you have use a different color to represent the universe to make it look more realistic? or darker?

    1. Honestly, I would've used markers. Markers are just much more "defining"? but yea. Markers.

  6. I really like your project, I think it is refreshing to see somebody that utilized all the space on their paper.

    1. ouo so am I right to imply that nobody besides me utilized all the space?
