Thursday, October 2, 2014


I really enjoy jumping and running around in general since tenth grade. But I've always had a bit of an interest in athletics; I just never really trained or participated in an actual sport. I was looking through Facebook one day, and a video popped up on my news feed that just made me really want to delve deeper into the world of jumping and running, but more specifically, parkour. The clip, named People are Awesome 2013, is a short compilation of tricks and feats that people have accomplished. Those accomplishments, to me, seemed really easy but that's only because of the time and dedication each person within that video has put into doing it. It inspired me to try harder and become more like them despite the danger in it and the fact that it is illegal in some places within NYC. Although I really want to participate in classes for parkour, I don't really have the chance at this time and moment because my parents deemed me to be too young to be participating in such dangerous activities. However, these activities seem more freeing than dangerous. They do the tricks with such simplicity that it seems like a commonplace activity. So in college I plan on participating in activities like this but in the mean time, this video has made me train a bit on my jumping skills, which I have actually improved on and put me on the Box Jump Record Holder last year, an accomplishment that I am particularly proud of.
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2014 from Imad El Ahmadi on Vimeo.


  1. Wow i didnt know that you were so into running and jumping. thats so cool

    1. LIES. We sorta had a box jump contest afterschool one day during sophomore year I believe and that's when you saw that I was into it already. But thanks!
