Thursday, December 18, 2014

~Senior Officers~

  • What is the club about?
  • What are the goals?
  • What activities do you do?
  • What is the purpose
  • Who is in it?
  • What is the best part? 
As the name of the "club" suggests, it consists of seniors that have been chosen from the entire grade to make senior year the way they want it to be. Quoting Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility", the senior officers are in charge of leading senior games, planning prom, and other activities such as the senior trip. It is their responsibility to not only make our senior year fun, but also an organized one. The purpose of this club is to not only make senior year our year, but also teach those  in it leadership, organization, and public speaking skills. In order to do that, the senior officers are grouped up and put in charge of organizing, announcing, and putting into action different events such as the ones from above. 

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