Saturday, September 13, 2014

~Not even a bio.~

Name: Cheok Meng Law
Grade: 12
Class: Graphic Design

Resides in: New York

Height: 5'9.5"

Weight: Below average

Relationship Status: Taken

Hopes: Go into engineering

Motivations: Expectations set for me

Religion: Not really

Pets: They're all dead

Favorite food(s): Hi-Chew, ice cream, stuff.

  • gaming (Smite, MS, etc.) IGN for Smite: KoopaKing
  • math computation (don't judge plz.)
  • building stuff (Gundam, puzzles, lego)
  • sugary stuff

My girlfriend made me wear a scrunchie and I pouted. How embarassing.

Last dinner: 6:31 p.m. cuz 6:30 is too mainstream.

Lunch doesn't exist in my world.


  1. Clear and to the point! You don't eat lunch? I don't know if I like that world.

  2. It's not bad once you get used to it :o
