Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Many people assume that I have an easy life because I don't really care much about anything but it's because of that thought, that they believe I can take any insult and be fine with it. I mean, yeah, I guess I'm fine with it but why should anyone ever be obligated to take sh** from you just because you believe that I'm fine with it? I guess it's normal for people to  assume that whatever they're doing is okay if no one stops them but shouldn't they know any better? It's interesting to see how people tend to test the patience of others as if any good will result from that but it must be a part of human nature to do that for some people.

Friday, March 13, 2015

~Catchy Book Covers~

These five book covers caught my eye. Starting from the top left, Not to Disturb, caught my eye because of it's simplicity. However this simplicity emitted an eerie and dark feeling as if a boogey man were to come out. I feel like it captured the essence of the title. The title and author were aligned in the middle and the door was opened slightly to let a little light into the room. This cover drew me in because there was a hint of darkness within this cover and the fact that they used a simple slightly opened door to show this attracted me. The next book, Wide Awake, caught my eye because it's a book cover that I can relate to. I spend the majority of my night doing homework and by the time it's almost 3 in the morning, I'm still wide awake, typing away. With personal experience I feel like this cover is perfect for showing its title. Like Not to Disturb, the title and author are once again centered. An Ethics of Interrogation is also another cover that caught my eye because of its dim color and once again, the simplicity. It reminds me of a jail cell that would be used for interrogation and the gray just sets the mood. Like the first two books, they all have a simple but strong concept for their cover. Ugly Man, was another book I like because it offered comical relief. It's just a plain white cover with a picture of an ugly cucumber and although I don't know how a cucumber relates with the book, I would be attracted to pic the book up to find out how. Mr. Peanut was a bit different from the rest. It's a bit more complicated than the other four book covers but it's comprised of simple circles that make the picture of a skull. It relates to the title because the circles are filled with the colors a peanut. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

~Judging a Book By Its Cover~

I personally believe that the first version of the book cover, the one to the left, is the best in capturing the essence of the book. It creates a surreal scene but one that also describes the seriousness of the book. The colors are also really well chosen to create a grim mood but one that adds to the surreal feel. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

~Announcement Poster~

Before:                                                               After:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

~Logo Reflection~

The most challenging aspect in creating my logo was actually coming up with one that represents Senior Officers. I had a lot of trouble deciding on which idea I wanted to go with. But after going around and asking my peers I decided on doing a person flying. The most successful aspect of my logo design is probably making the colors contrast from each other. That was probably my favorite part.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

~February Break~

Over February break, I mostly stayed at home and watched horror films such as Insidious 2 and Vile. Although they were a bit nasty at parts its shows how humans are inherently flawed and self-serving. On the day of Chinese New Year, I went over to my cousins' house for a family reunion and I settled down to watch Oculus, a horror movie about a mirror that creates illusion in the minds of those who own it. Along side all the fun I had, I also spent a portion of each day working on my Exhibition Process and reading sources that may relate to my claim. Although I wish I could have just slept the entire break because I need it, I’m glad I was able to have a reunion with family members I haven’t seen in a while.

Monday, February 2, 2015

~Looking at Art in NYC~

This is from MOMA. There was a lot of different abstract art. What caught my attention was how it just seemed like many different brushstrokes piled on top of each other in order to make this work of "art". I know that this artist makes a lot of different art but all revolve around abstract art.