Monday, February 2, 2015

~Looking at Art in NYC~

This is from MOMA. There was a lot of different abstract art. What caught my attention was how it just seemed like many different brushstrokes piled on top of each other in order to make this work of "art". I know that this artist makes a lot of different art but all revolve around abstract art.


  1. This painting gives off a very sad feeling because it is shades of black and the strokes are messy which makes me think of how a person's mind is a mess during certain times.

  2. that's a cool portrait and i agree that its abstract because most portraits are colorful and this one just uses black and grays and it stands out

  3. I like how the individual strokes come together into one piece, even though they're all different. I wonder why the artist chose to name her piece "Invisible Sun."

  4. The random strokes work really well in this painting because the shapes they make can be interpreted in several different ways. To me a lot of them look like they could be letters or characters.

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  6. I love how this piece may look like it was created quickly and randomly, but i bet the artist took a lot of time to think about the placement of each stroke and mark to complete this.

  7. My friend actually prints for this artist!
    She has a certain expressive mark making quality in her work that's expressive but not necessarily a painting of an certain object or person.
