Thursday, November 20, 2014

~Symbol GIF~

Concept: Global Warming
While using Photoshop, what was the most frustrating aspect of the program and/or project? 
The most frustrating aspect of this project was determining the sequence in which each slide appears. Although I knew that all these slides would be included, it was really hard for me to choose whether the fire should appear first or the face. After talking to several peers, I determined that the fire would come first but I was still unsure because I felt like I should've made the Earth smiling first then change it to a frown as the fire appeared. It was also really hard to not be lazy and just make one less slide and make the transition abrupt. 

After completing the project, which tools do ou feel most confident using?
I feel most confident using the paint brush tool because throughout much of my process I had to use this tool to color the majority and paint over mistakes. I've become really familiar with switching colors and adding it to my swatches and I just feel like I'm in control of it.

Which Tool do you wish you were better at using? Explain why.
I really wish I was better at using the color mixer tool because it was pretty hard for me to understand and see what was going on. The changes just seemed to minute for me to notice and I wanted to make it more obvious. But I guess that's how it's supposed to look. I just want to be better and mixing the colors in order to create a color that I want. 

What would you like to create next with Photoshop?
To be very honest, I would actually really like to make another GIF but have more time so I could not be lazy and be able to develop it further. 

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